Serving Since 2006
UNIFY Child Placing Agency is licensed by The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) as a Child Placing Agency (CPA). This license allows us to operate under contract with DFPS to provide foster care and adoption services to children who are in the custody of Child Protective Services (CPS).
Our Foster Care and Foster to Adopt Program licenses foster homes, verifies adoption families, and assists kinships families in obtaining permanency for children. We want to ensure that every child in foster care is matched with a family that is qualified and skilled at meeting the child’s specific needs. At UNIFY, our goal is to help you meet these requirements and educate you on what you must do to become a verified adoptive and/or foster family.
Statement of Agency Services
UNIFY operates as a child-placing agency that provides foster and adoption services.
UNIFY places male and female youth from birth through twenty-two (22) years of age.
UNIFY admits children on an emergency and non-emergency basis.
UNIFY places children in basic or therapeutic foster family/group foster care homes.
UNIFY offers the following programmatic and treatment services to basic, moderate and specialized children:
- Sibling groups consisting of two or more children
- Children parenting their children
- Child’s choice transition program
- Voluntary extended foster care or return to care
- Children who are deaf or hard of hearing

Child-Care and Respite Child Care Services
Services that meet a child’s basic need for shelter, nutrition, clothing, nurture, socialization and interpersonal skills, care for personal health and hygiene, supervision, education and services planning.
Helping Children and Families Dream and Achieve Beyond Their Circumstances
Treatment Services
In addition to child-care services, UNIFY Child Placing Agency serves a specialized type of child-care services designed to treat and/or support children with:
- Emotional Disorders, such as mood disorders, psychotic disorders, or dissociative disorders, and who demonstrate three or more of the following: (i) A Global Assessment Functioning of 50 or below; (ii) A current DSM diagnosis; (iii) Major self-injurious actions, including recent suicide attempts; (iv) Difficulties that present a significant risk of harm to self or others, including frequent or unpredictable physical aggression; or (v) A primary diagnosis of substance abuse or dependency and severe impairment because of the substance abuse.
- Mental Retardation, who have an intellectual functioning of 70 or below and are characterized by prominent, significant deficits and pervasive impairment in one or more of the following areas: (i) Conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills to include daily living and self care; (ii) Communication, cognition, or expressions of affect; (iii) Self-care activities or participation in social activities; (iv) Responding appropriately to an emergency; or (v) Multiple physical disabilities, including sensory impairments.